v y d a v y   s i n d i k a t group  photo  project


LOCATION #2 : Riegelmann Boardwalk & Brighton 2nd
                 DATE : May 8th, 2005, 1:00 pm

LIST OF GATHERERS :(from left to right and from bottom up)Felix Davelman, Liza Bronnik , Venya Davelman, Sonya Romendik,
Zhenya Plechkina, Marina Sokolovsky, Emma Efter, Olga Kapenkina, Igor Niman, Jesal Kapadia, Sara Reisman, MoishePerelman,
Israel Sklar, Alexander Galper, Zhanna Gerasimenko, Viktoria Gorina, Dmitry Bronnik, Alexei Zalmanov, Dina Rokhman, Ilya Tulbovich, Olga Kapenkina, Alexander Nesterenko, Luba Kapelus, Caline Moritz, Matvey Romendik, Dmiry Romendik, Diana Gerasimenko,
Misha Sklar, Irena Romendik.


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